السبت، 31 مارس 2012

Sinus Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

What is Sinus?

Sinus refers to inflammation of paranasal sinuses and this may be due to autoimmune problems, infections and allergies. Sometimes sinus trouble may be due to viral infection. With the medication treatment of almost 7-8 days the problem can be treated. It is important to note that around 24 million people in United States suffer from sinus every year.


Sinus is common problem and it leads to stuffy nose with headache. The symptoms may be quite irritating. In some cases, the sinus problem is short lived and is treated quickly. But in some cases medication is required to be continued for a longer period. In very rare cases, the problem would be quite severe and surgery may be the solution to the sinus problem.
It is vital to note people who have problems with chest congestion should take extra prevention measures so that they can avoid sinus problem. They are highly prone to such problems.
Sinus can be chronic or acute. In chronic sinus problem there is pain involved and in acute sinus there is lot of discomfort.

Sinus Risk and Causes

  • People who are prone to cold and rhinitis are often at a higher risk of sinus problem.
  • Immune system problems contribute in a sinus attack.
  • Viral infection or bacterial infection may worsen the health condition and finally lead to a sinus trouble.
  • Sinus can happen to males as well as females.
  • It affects almost all the age groups.
  • People who are prone to allergies are highly prone to sinus. The problem worsens when there are environmental changes experienced.
  •  Also, this problem worsens during the hay fever season.
  • Some people get sinus problem when they are exposed to animal dander or fur. In some people the cause may be some food allergy.
  • Patients of asthma have more chances of getting sinus attacks.
  • Patients with narrow nasal passage get nose stuffed time and again, leading to the sinus problem.

How to prevent sinus

  • Healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and moderate exercise helps in preventing sinus.
  • Installing air filters at home and office makes the air clean and helps in sinus prevention.
  • Keeping body hydrated is also a good preventive method.
  • Use of humidifier in dry air areas also helps during winter months in sinus prevention.
  • Keep away from allergens to seek sinus prevention.
  • Avoid smoking habits.
Stress is also a contributing factor in sinus. You should reduce the stress levels with meditation and breathing techniques.
Tell your doctor to prescribe you vitamin supplements for better immunity.

Symptoms of Sinus

It is important to note that different people get different symptoms as far as sinus is concerned. The symptoms given below will serve with a better guideline for you to understand about the signs and symptoms of sinus.
The most common symptoms of sinus are:
  • Runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Stuffy nose
  • Thin discharge from nose
  • Persistent headache
  • Postnasal drip from the nose into the throat
  • Itchy eyes and nose
  • Bad breath
  • Fever and chills
  • Face pain
  • Eye pain
  • Here is the list of less common symptoms, which may occur in the sinusitis patient:
  • Earache
  • Ringing in ears
  • Sore throat
  • Swelling in eye area
  • Hoarse voice
  • Severe headache with vomiting
  • High fever
Normally headache with vomits is a sign of meningitis and the patient should seek immediate medical attention when such rare and serious symptoms are seen.
It is important to note that symptoms of sinus and symptoms of common cold are quite similar. Whenever you have the above mentioned symptoms for around 10 days you should seek advice of your doctor.

Read more on Sinusitis Treatment and Diagnosis here.

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