السبت، 31 مارس 2012

Bio-Oil For: Skin Scars, stretch marks, Ageing Skin & Dehydrated Skin

زيت Bio-Oil للعناية بالبشرة يساعد على تحسين مظهر الندبات وعلامات تمدد الجلد وتفاوت لون البشرة ويحتوي على فيتامين E و A.
كما أنه فعال لشيخوخة الجلد و الجلد الجاف. زيت Bio-Oil حاصل على ٨٠ جائزة في العناية بالبشرة و يعتبر المنتج الأول في اكثر من ١١ دولة منذ اطلاقة في عام ٢٠٠٢ للندبات و علامات تمدد الجلد.

Skin care For: Skin Scars, stretch marks, Ageing Skin & Dehydrated Skin

When the body expands faster than the covering skin, the skin tears, forming a scar as it heals. These scars are visible on the surface of the skin as stretch marks.

The likelihood of developing stretch marks varies according to skin type, race, age, diet and hydration of the skin. Those most prone to stretch marks include pregnant women, body builders, adolescents undergoing sudden growth spurts and individuals who experience rapid weight gain.

Stretch marks are permanent in nature, and although Bio‑Oil is formulated to help improve their appearance, it can never remove them.

Bio‑Oil should be massaged in a circular motion into the stretch marks, twice daily, for a minimum of 3 months. During pregnancy, it should be applied from the start of the second trimester to areas that are prone to stretch marks such as the abdomen, breasts, lower back, hips, buttocks and thighs.

Results will vary from individual to individual

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