السبت، 31 مارس 2012

Osteoporosis Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a very common problem. It actually refers to thinning of bones. In one way it is also referred as bone loss. This problem can happen to anyone. However, it is more common among females. There are many risk factors as associated with osteoporosis and these should be discussed thoroughly while knowing as to what is osteoporosis?  


Some of the risk factors that are involved with this health ailments are smoking, poor diet, lack of calcium in the body, alcohol abuse, lack of exercise, obesity etc. This problem is more common among females and thus it is one of the leading risk factors. The problem with osteoporosis is that there may be an unexpected fracture due to weakening of bones or due to bone loss. This can be really risky as you never know what would happen to you.

Risks and causes of Osteoporosis

It is important to find out more information about osteoporosis risks and causes and thus the given information will clear the point.
Studies indicate that people who have a poor diet can face the problems related to bone loss or osteoporosis. In childhood you have strong bones and then as your age advances there tends to be a few issues especially if you have lack of nutrition in the body.  Also, the family history, use of certain medications onset of menopause and too much physical activity may contribute to the problem.

This problem is common with females because after menopause there is constant loss of calcium within the body and thus there are certain problems with bones.

How to prevent osteoporosis?

The only way to prevent this problem is to depend more on good and nutritious diet everyday, a healthy exercise regime and avoiding cigarette smoking as well as drinking habits. Also taking up weight bearing exercises will help in making the bones stronger. This will prevent osteoporosis.
Does osteoporosis occur only for females?
It is important to note that even though females are highly prone to this problem, osteoporosis may even strike to men. It is important to note that around 1-2 million men over the age of 65 years have this problem.
Menopause and Osteoporosis
Since osteoporosis is quite common during menopause or on the onset of menopause it is important that till a female reaches that stage she gets stronger bones. She should talk to the doctor and get all the possible information about this disease and also how to stop its growth. Certain health supplements, way of living and preventive techniques would help to keep away from the problem.
Osteoporosis Awareness
Osteoporosis education and osteoporosis awareness is something that will help you recover from the problem. However, along with this there will be a need to adopt a few lifestyle changes. The education should be given under medical supervision and this is something to keep in mind.
Osteoporosis has created havoc in lives of many people. It is important to understand about the symptoms of the problem, diagnosis and treatment so that one can get better and quicker recovery from the problem.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis displays the symptoms as given below but it is important to note that it shows the symptoms only in the later stages. In the initial stages there may be absolutely no symptoms and thus patients won’t even come to know that there is beginning of osteoporosis. But when the symptoms start they would be typically like:
  • Dull pain in the bones
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Persistent body ache
  • Stooped posture
  • Fractures at certain sites
  • Pain in wrist
  • Hip fractures
  • Lower back pain
Due to the above symptoms there would be other problems like irritation, agitation, restlessness and depression. Whenever the above symptoms prevail for more than a couple of months you need to talk to the doctor immediately. This is because there may be osteoporosis and this may actually create further problems if apt diagnosis and treatment is not taken up. Sometimes due to fractures and bone problems the patients may need to get hospitalized. This can have various intensities. When the problem is intense there would be lots of discomfort.
However, the above mentioned symptoms may differ from person to person. Some patients may display all the symptoms as mentioned where as a few patients may display some of the above symptoms.
Read out next article on Osteoporosis Treatment and Diagnosis


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