السبت، 31 مارس 2012

Osteoporosis Treatment and Diagnosis

Osteoporosis is diagnosed using the gold standard for diagnosis of osteoporosis. This is dual energy x-ray absorption scan. Popularly, it is known as Dexa scan. In this test there is an x-ray done especially of hip, wrist or spine. This diagnostic test is not painful and it may last only for about 10 minutes. With the comparative values that would be generated diagnosis is done in regards to young adult population, age and gender matched control groups.
It is recommended that diagnosis of osteoporosis with bone mineral density test should be done when:

  • There is an abnormal x-ray of spine
  • There is an increased dependence on steroids
  • Women over the age of 65 years
  • Women is going through menopausal stage
  • The patient has hyperparathyroidism
Apart from this if the patient has some problems like collagen disorders, endocrine problems, marrow problems, gastrointestinal issues and use of medications like thyroid hormone replacement, chemotherapy medications etc then also it is recommended to go for osteoporosis diagnostic tests to be on the safer side. It is always better to get the diagnosis done whenever there is a doubt. This will help in keeping away from the problem which may become grave with passing days.
The doctor along with the above diagnostic tests also goes for physical examination and the question and answer session with the patient. The doctor would like to know about the medical history of the patient.

Osteoporosis treatment is followed post diagnostic tests, discussion of medical history of the patient as well as the family history. It is important to note that if osteoporosis is diagnosed at the primary stage then there won’t be too many problems. There would be treatment that would be quite effective. Under that stage it is vital to note that the treatment here mainly concentrates on a few dietary and lifestyle changes. The patient is educated as to what steps he/she should take to keep away from the probable problem. Also, the kind of diet that the patient should follow would be enlisted. The goal of this treatment would be enhancement in the use of calcium and vitamin D via nutritious food. Also a daily routine of exercise and fitness regime should be followed. This will help in making life quality much better.
Read more on Prevention of Osteoporosis here.

Osteoporosis Medicine

Here are a few effective osteoporosis medicines that would really help in treating the problem:
Bonviva: Generic Bonviva bone medication is an effective osteoporosis medication.  This is available in tablet as well as injection form. With this there is prevention in bone loss. The active ingredient that is there in this medication is ibandronic acid. With Bonviva things are really easy to go ahead with. The main reason is, generic Bonviva on the internet is available at a cheap cost. You will really feel the difference once you buy Bonviva with out prescription or with consultation to the doctor. If you start feeling any unpleasant things you should contact the doctor. You should buy Bonviva online or offline after you have talked to the doctor as to how this should be taken. You should know exactly how you should use it and what precautions you need to take. All these things should be discussed with the doctor. You have to make sure that you discuss all the details about your already existing health problems as well as the medications you take for the same. This kind of information is really vital and it should be marked up in the mind. You should reveal to the doctor all the information about your medical history and family history.
Evista: Evista generic is cheap and also quite affordable option for curing the problem of osteoporosis.  This drug has Raloxifene an estrogen. This medication is apt for women going through or has gone menopausal problems. This medication is also used in treating breast cancer. You can buy Evista online at a cheap but you should make sure that you talk to the doctor first. There are chances that you may be allergic to the ingredients present in the medication and under such circumstances you have to avoid the same and tell the doctor to replace the medication with some other replacement. Also, it is vital to note that this medication gives you some side effects which may be mild, moderate or severe. Depending upon the intensity of the problem and the side effects involved your doctor will tell you to take the dosage. You can purchase Evista online or over the counter. Whenever you buy Evista online at a discount you should make sure that you take this everyday at mostly the same time. This will really help to bring the treatment course on the track.  Make sure that your dosage does not increase from 60mg per day. This is the highest dose you may take per day.You can purchase Evista at low rates. But make sure you have idea about drug interactions and the side effects involved.
Fosamax: Generic Fosamax is useful in treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. This medication should be taken 30 minutes before food and it should be taken with one full glass of water. Alendronate sodium is an active ingredient in this medication. If at all you have allergy from this, you should avoid taking it. When your doctor prescribes you this or tells you to order Fosamax online or offline you should ask him about the instructions that you would be required to follow. Make sure that you keep in mind that this tablet should be swallowed as a whole and you have to avoid chewing or crushing the same. Also you have to use drinking water and not mineral water. This is something you have to keep in mind when you order Fosamax medication at cheap.You should buy generic Fosamax at cheap price and this will really help you save good amount of money. The recommended dose is around 5 mg tablets once a day when the problem is glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in men and women. For the treatment of Paget’s disease of bone in men and women the recommended dose is 40mg once daily for 6 months.You should also get an idea about drug interactions and side effects of generic Fosamax drug on the internet.
Actonel: Osteoporosis Actonel generic medication is really quite effective in preventing and treating the problem. This is an oral tablet that comes in different strengths and your doctor is the best person to take the decision about dosage of the medication. When the bone mineral density is reduced you will see that this treatment will really work and will give some positive effects. It is studied that with empty stomach this medication will be more effective and will give better results. However, when you buy Actonel generic medication at cheap you will realize that there are some side effects. Nausea, dizziness, abdominal discomfort and sleepiness may be some of the side effects involved. However, these may be common with some people and a few people may face absolutely no side effects.
It is believed that NSAIDS interacts with osteoporosis medications like Actonel. Also calcium and iron supplements should be kept away when you are on this tablet. When you purchase Actonel online drug you will really get the cost benefit as things are quite cheap online. You should know something when you purchase Actonel medication at low rates and this is, you should check out the expiry dates when you buy this. Also, you should take up some lifestyle changes like avoiding some of the risk factors that are involved with this health ailment like smoking, poor diet, lack of calcium in the body, alcohol abuse, lack of exercise, obesity etc.

Read more on Osteoporosis Symptoms, Causes and Prevention here.

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